I have a safeguarding issue ...
Should there be a safeguarding concern for any student outside of normal school hours then please call 0344 800 8020. If the student is in immediate danger or harm, please call 999 without delay.
Should you wish to contact the Student Support Team about a safeguarding concern during term time then please email studentsupportteam@attleboroughacademy.org or telephone 01953 450342.
My child is unwell and cannot attend school ...
Please telephone the Student Absence Line on 01953 450340 before 08.30 and leave a message, including your child’s name, form and the reason for the absence. Please ring each day of an absence. When your child returns to the school, please provide medical evidence, if applicable, to support your child’s absence. Please encourage your child to achieve 100% attendance.
My child has a dental or medical appointment during school hours ...
Please inform the Academy Office by telephoning 01953 453225 or by email at office@attleboroughacademy.org, in advance, if possible and provide a copy of the appointment confirmation for Academy records. If you wish your child to leave the Academy to meet you for an appointment, you will need to provide written or verbal authorisation.
My child has lost their Student Handbook ...
Your child should tell their Form Tutor. Replacement handbooks can be purchased from Student Reception at a cost of £3.00. Students are expected to have their Student Handbook with them at all times!
My child has lost their tie ...
Your child should inform their Form Tutor and they will be issued with a Uniform Pass. If you child cannot find their tie then a replacement tie will need to be purchased.
There was an incident on the County coach whilst travelling to the Academy ...
Please contact the Academy Office on 01953 452335 and advise us what has happened. Please also contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 to inform them of any incident as they are responsible for the running of the coaches.
I need to speak to someone about my child’s Statement of Special Educational Needs ...
Please contact the Student Support Team by emailing studentsupportteam@attleboroughacademy.org
My child has lost something ...
Please encourage your child to look for the item by re-tracing their steps. If they cannot find the item then please ask them to visit the Main Office to see if it has been handed in as Lost Property.
In our experience, items that are clearly named are normally returned to the student, via notification to their Form Tutor that the item has been found. It is therefore advised that all of your child’s uniform and property are clearly named.
My child is being bullied over the internet outside of the Academy ...
Please inform the Academy via the following link: https://www.attleboroughacademy.org/student-support-team/where-can-i-get-help/
I am having difficulty loading money onto Wisepay for my child’s lunch ...
Please contact the School Office by email at office@attleboroughacademy.org or telephone 01953 452335.
Who do I contact if ...
- Something has happened to my child outside of school that I think the Academy should know about?
- My child has a detention and I would like to know why?
- My child has a Red or Yellow card but I do not understand why?
- I have received a letter about my child’s attendance and have a query about it
- I have a query about my child’s behaviour?
- My child is being bullied?
- My child has a broken leg and cannot walk up stairs?
- My child has lost clothing or property in the Academy and has been unsuccessful in following the advice given above?
For any of the above concerns, please contact a member of the Student Support Team on 01953 450342 or email studentsupportteam@attleboroughacademy.org and we will be happy to help resolve any issues.