Student Admissions

Student Admissions: September 2024 Entry

Welcome to Attleborough Academy!

The Main School Open Evening event for September 2024 Year 7 entry took place on Wednesday 4 October 2023.

We hope that those families who joined us found their visit interesting and informative and that the evening's events will help you to make an informed choice about your child’s future education.

We look forward to welcoming you to Attleborough Academy in the future but in the meantime, please do read our Prospectus and Parent Handbook to find out more about Attleborough Academy.

This is an exciting time to join our Academy. Many of you will know that Attleborough is a growing and thriving community and we would like you to be familiar with life at Attleborough Academy in anticipation of your child joining us in 2024.

Apply to the Academy

Admissions to Attleborough Academy (with the exception of the Sixth Form) are handled by Norfolk County Council.You will be contacted directly by the Local Authority and asked to complete a Common Application Form where you outline your school preference. The Local Authority will then inform you which school your son or daughter has been allocated to.

The closing date for applications was 31 October 2023. Offers of places at the Academy were made on 1 March 2024. 

In-year admission applications should be made through the Academy Office in the first instance by contacting

Norfolk County Council School Admissions

Admissions Policy 2024

Admissions Policy 2025


Page Downloads Date  
Admission Form 2023 22nd Jun 2023 Download

Contact Form

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