Supporting Your Child’s Learning

At Attleborough Academy, we believe that students make the most progress when school and parents work together to support them. There are many things parents and carers can do to support their child; here are some ideas.

Support them with their extension work (homework)

We only set extension work that secures and extends knowledge taught in lessons. You can help your child to keep up with their extension work by frequently checking their extension work and encouraging them to complete it on time.

You can sign into Go4Schools (the extension work system we use to set work) here:

Check in on their behaviour

We award PRIDE points for good behaviour, and BLUES for negative behaviour.

You can support your child’s Attitude To Learning by keeping track of both on Go4Schools and via the Parent App.

Attend Parents’ Evening

All staff at Attleborough Academy want the best for your child. The best way of updating you with progress and responding to feedback from you is to attend Parents’ Evening. 

Dates and times will be sent to you via email, text message, via the Parent App and are available on the calendar. You will be asked to make an appointment on the Parents’ Evening Booking System.

Support them with their wider development

On the link below you will find the resources than are used in our PSHE and RPE lessons, which all students in Years 7-11 receive.

You can see the content topics covered, knowledge taught, and support them with any questions they have on their wider development!

Support them with their GCSEs

At GCSE Options Evening, a presentation on 'How to Succeed at GCSE' is give. We think it’s important to do this all the time, so we thought we’d record it!
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